four waters | President & CEO

With a decade in sales, over three decades in public relations and the print industry, and many years as a frontline organizer and grassroots trainer, four waters brings together a unique blend of traditional public relations experience, a deep understanding of effective storytelling and communications, and a passion to create a more just and sustainable future.

Blessed to grow up in some of the most extraordinarily beautiful regions of California, four waters has a deeply rooted love for the beauty, awe, power, and interconnectedness of our natural world. Raised in a hotbed of social action in the 60s, four grew up attending rallies and listening to heated debates during dinner. It is the overlap of these two passions which continues to define her choices and priorities.

In that spirit, four waters media, inc. is an all-women, multicultural, woman-owned small business. We create messaging, tools, and engagement strategies that support political candidates and campaigns to improve quality of life for all. four waters media has built a strong reputation for effectiveness, developing and implementing creative solutions, meeting tight deadlines, and exceeding expectations. 

four waters spent several years as the Chair of a PAC which supported Democratic organizers in rural communities. She then had the privilege of serving for eight years under California Democratic Party Chair John Burton as Special Projects Consultant, where she developed and helped to implement a statewide strategic training program.

four waters continues to train across California and serves on the board of the Yolo Basin Foundation.